Opening Night:
A Symphony of Brilliance
Featuring Chee-Yun,Violin
Saturday September 30, 7PM
Violinist Chee-Yun’s flawless technique, dazzling tone, and compelling artistry have enraptured audiences on five continents. Charming, charismatic, and deeply passionate about her art, Chee-Yun continues to carve a unique place for herself in the ever-evolving world of classical music.
Symphonie espangnole: Join us for Opening Night as Chee-Yun presents a most remarkable fusion of French flair and Spanish seduction with Édouard Lalo’s Symphonie espagnole.
Symphony No. 7: If you believe the stories, it was on one of his daily trips to Prague’s busy railway station that Dvořák, an enthusiastic trainspotter, found the inspiration for his 7th symphony. Highly regarded by critics and musicologists as the greatest of Dvořák’s symphonies, and the purest examples in this art- form since Beethoven, the Dvořák Symphony No. 7 is “capable of stirring the world,” which was completely his intent when he wrote it.
As we well know in Meridian, trains and music can move the world. Meridian sounds brilliant!
This concert will take place at the MSU Riley Center and will begin at 7PM.