Our Sponsors

The Marty and Linda Davidson Endowment for MSO, The Virginia Matzner Fund for Music Education, The Joe S. Covington Endowment Fund, The Emma McCain Endowment Fund, Williams Trust Fund, The Paul & Sherry Broadhead Foundation, The Margaret Dulaney Arts Endowment, The Susan B. Herron Endowment, The American Endowment Foundation, Mutziger Family Charitable Trust
A&B Electric
Bonita Properties, Inc.
Magnolia Beverage Company, Inc.
Total Pain Care
Silver Sponsors
Allred Investments, LLC
Bank Plus
Benefits Management Group, Inc.
BMW of Meridian
Cardiovascular Institute of the South
Carolyn’s Creations
The Citizens Bank of Philadelphia
Commercial Bank
Community Bank
Engineering Plus
First State Bank
Fruge Oil
Great Southern Bank
Magnolia Steel
McGinnis Lumber
Mississippi Power Foundation
Mitchell Distributing
New South Ford Nissan, Inc.
Trustmark Bank
Van Zyverden, Inc.
Wells Fargo Advisors
W.G. Yates Construction
Symphony Hotel Partners
Threefoot Hotel
​Drury Inn & Suites

The Meridian Symphony Association Inc and the Meridian Symphony Orchestra would like to thank these contributors for their generous and unwavering support. This listing reflects gifts received from October 1, 2020 - September 22, 2021.
Douglas and Katie Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Davidson
Dr. and Mrs. John McEachin
Dr. Peter Rubardt
Mrs. Gina Sharman
Dr. Kenneth E. Staggs, Jr.
Dr. Claire Harper
Dr. and Mrs. Condon Hughes
Dr. and Mrs. Cecil Johnson
Scott Kluksdahl
Zena D. Limerick
James McRae
Don and Sharon Pratt
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Walton
Daniel and Anna Wile
Fred and Sissie Wile
Grand Patrons
Andrew and Kristen Gunn
Tommy and Mandy Hurtt
Alice James
Pat Jarrett
Dr. and Mrs. David Makey
Dr. Ben L. McEachin
Steven McEachin
Joe Middlebrook
Drs. Kendrick and Lindsey Prewitt
Mrs. Christine Riley
Anita Jo Ross
Benny Wright
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Abney
Robert and Rosemary Connor
Jacqueline Crudup
Daniel and Mary Clare Evans
Lloyd and Sally Gray
Jenny Gregoire
Frances Hinton
Evan and Shelley McDonald
Charlie and Linda Munoz
Megan Porter
Dr. and Mrs. Neill Porter
Bob and Carra Purvis
Danny and Sharon Truelove
William and Charlene Yount
Susan Van Zandt
Helen Abraham
Dr. Laura Alexander
Dr. and Mrs. Ric Alexander
Ilse Bateman
David and Jo Benson
Jan Bessert
Percy Bland
Mr. and Mrs. Elden Boyken
Laura Carmichael
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Cater
Dana and Rachel Chard
Robert and Susan Coffin
Dan Confait
Roy L. Cornwell
Everett and Barbara S. Crudup
Robin Cumberland
Wilhemine Damon
Jay and Sheryl Davidson
Holley Davis
Robert Dilworth
Daniel Ethridge
Larry and Grace Gibson
Mrs. Dottye Graham
Marcia Griffis
Jacque Harms
Cary Haycox
Robin Hull
Phil Jenkins
Keemonica Johnson
Todd and Michelle Kiefer
Logan and Kaki Knight
Robert and Lee Loeb
Same E. Long
Nathan Lucky
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Majure
Larry and Margaret McMahan
Barry McMullan and Gloria Mattingly
Dr. Stacey McNeil
Chris Merritt
Nick Merritt
Anne Z. Meyer
Mrs. Harold J. Meyer, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. David Moffett
Jane Moring
William and Debra Munsell
Dr. and Mrs. Mike Nanney
Kay O’Shaughnessy
Glenn Olfe
Mike Partridge
Michelle Pasha
Dr. Eric Pearson
Bob Pigford
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Pomeroy
Zachari Ruff
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Potuk
Joyce Scarborough
April Sellers
Mr. and Mrs. Wade Sims
Steve Stringer
M. Lynne Taleff
Dr. Stephen Tartt
Stephen Thomas
Gary Thompson
Nicke Trahan
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Tullos
William and Lee Ann Vicars
Tyler and Nancy Walton
Judy Welge
Brady Wilson
Norman Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Windham
Lisa Young
Memorial contributions have been made to the following members of the symphony family during the past season. We remember them fondly as the music plays on.
Mrs. Fran Byrd
Dr. Joe Covington
Mr. Barrie Limerick
Mrs. Lou Limerick
Ms. Annie Montgomery