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Board of Directors

2024-25 Season

Ben Cade

Douglas Coleman

Steven Cooksey

Jimmy Copeland

Andrew Covington

Alanna Burns

Amanda Holland​

Scott Hook

Stacy Howell

Wyneda McLaurin

Zena Limerick

Jim Potuk

Sharon Pratt

Megan Porter

Cindy Smith

Aaron Windham

Symphony League

2024-25 Season

Christina Benson
Kate Cherry
Marche Copeland
Robin Cumberland
Bethany Davis
Holley Davis
Sarah Dowdell

Allison Doyle
Andrea Germany
Kristen Gunn
JoJo Haygood
Leah Hearn

Melanie Hodge

Teresa Hodges
Robin Hull
Justine Hook
Rebekah Johnson
Renyetta Johnson
Leslie Johnston
Heather LaCoste
Shelley McDonald
Abby Rich Miller

Deb Munsell
Bill Myers
Terri Myers

Kay O’Shaughnessy
Kaylila Pasha
Amy Porter
Justin Porter
Lindsey Prewitt
April Sellers

Ken Staggs
Brittney Sullivan
Marian Swindell
Ayad Taofic
Eileen Taofic
Nancy Walton

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